Best and Worst Teacher Gifts (as recommended by teachers)

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If you're reading this, you're probably a mom who's trying to figure out a good gift for your child's teacher(s). I'm here to help you out. I've surveyed my fellow teachers and come up with a great list of Best and Worst Teacher Gifts.

At the bottom of the post, I link to some of my favorites from my teaching days.

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Please know that the resounding sentiment from all the teachers who chimed in (including myself) is that

ANY gift from a student is a GREAT gift!

Just knowing that a child/parent is taking time to think of you, means a great deal.

"It's the thought that counts." - really does apply here.

Having said that, there are some gifts that teachers in general seem to love, and then there are some gifts that are just not as loved. So, in no particular order, I present to you this gift guide I'm calling, Best and Worst Teacher Gifts.

Best Teacher Gifts: 

  • Handmade non-edible goodies (notes, cards, ornaments, etc)

  • Gift cards (bookstores, craft stores, office supply stores, Amazon, Visa, coffee shops, etc...)

  • Coffee

  • Something for the classroom (nice pen, fun timer, cute whiteboard markers, notepads, cd's, etc...)

  • Books, bookmarks

  • Plants/flowers

Try this Handmade Braided Yarn Bookmark for a super easy homemade gift.

Worst Gifts:

*Please note that most of these things are on this list due to allergies

  • lotion

  • candles

  • candy

  • homemade goodies

  • Home decor (picture frames, etc...)

Up for debate: There seems to be a great differing of opinion in the teaching world about the coffee mug gift. If you're shopping for a seasoned teacher, chances are, they already have a gazillion coffee mugs. Perhaps consider a travel mug or coffee beans or a coffee shop gift card instead.

Some personal favorites: A few teachers told me about their all-time favorite gift that they still love after many years. These included second-hand jewelry, handmade Christmas ornaments, a scarf, and a travel coffee mug.

And that's the consensus on the best and worst gifts for teachers straight from the mouths of teachers.

If you found this to be a helpful gift guide for what to get teachers, please share it with others.

The image below is pinnable. Thanks! Continue scrolling for links to some of my favorites.

Best Teacher Gifts .jpg

You may also be interested in this gender-neutral gift guide for toddlers and preschoolers.


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