Bird Seed Sensory Bin

The other day a squirrel knocked over the pole that was holding up my bird feeder, so I brought the feeder into the house until I had a chance to fix the pole.  My daughter quickly discovered the bird feeder (as I made the mistake of setting it on the window ledge right at her eye level). She couldn't keep her hands off it! 

So I put her interest to work in my favor and created this birdseed sensory bin.

The materials for this sensory bin were simple and can vary based on what you have on hand.

I used a box lined with a garbage bag to create the bin.  I filled it with birdseed and then rummaged for spring-like things to add.I included :

  • flower and bird cookie cutters

  • plastic worms

  • foam butterflies and flowers

  • toy bowl and ladle (so she can work on her pouring skills)

  • Plush Pigeon (a recent birthday gift)

  • and some gorgeous blue polished rocks Pooky picked out a few months ago from a rock show

I presented the bin to her outside since the weather has turned lovely and spring-like.

Bonus: no clean-up!

(The birds and squirrels will take care of whatever she spills out of the bin.)

(Sorry about the blurry pictures, but she was very active with this bin.)

She went for the rocks first!

Then she pulled out a flower.

And had to sniff it (as always).

It only took a few minutes to throw this bin together, and I'm so glad I did.  I think Pook is too since her first word when I put it down in front of her was "Wow!" And she still seems to be having fun with it each time we take it outside.

For more inspiration, follow my Springtime for Kids board on Pinterest.

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Alphabet Pom Pom Sensory Bin