Before you get on that plane with your kid(s)...


...check this list!

I've learned a lot from my many travels with my tot over the last two years. As we continue to travel, I continue to learn tips for making things a bit easier on mama (and everyone else). I'd like to share them with you here.


Here's what I recommend you do BEFORE you get on that plane.

  1. Rest up! I realize this is easier said than done sometimes, but it's soooo important. A tired kid is a cranky kid, and a cranky kid will be much more difficult to entertain on the flight. (The only caveat to this is if you have a young baby who can sleep in your arms on the plane.)
  2. Get organized! Every mom knows that time is of the essence when trying to ward off a tantrum. If your diaper bag is organized, you can quickly grab what you need (with one hand and without looking)! I use a large tote with tons of zippable pockets as my purse/diaper bag.  It's big enough to carry everything we'll need (food, entertainment, diaper essentials, etc...) but just small enough to fit under the seat in front of me.  Before any trip, I completely empty the bag and think carefully about everything I put back into it, and where I put it (snacks within easy reach).
  3. Get a water bottle. This might seem like a silly thing to mention, but I actually think it's very important.  Staying hydrated can ward off headaches -at least in my experience. Plus you can use it for extra water to refill the sippy cup. Sure you can get water on the plane, but water bottles don't make a mess like an open cup in turbulence. And it'll be ready whenever you need waiting on the flight attendant.
  4. Download apps! Games and videos are by far the biggest distraction for my tot when traveling. Most of what I've downloaded to my tablet and phone have been free and educational.  The exception to this is the Peter Rabbit TV series I purchased.
  5. Practice the standing diaper change. Again, I feel a little silly mentioning this, but I just flew on a small plane yesterday (Alaska Air) that didn't have a changing table (nor any space large enough to lay my daughter down).  I was hoping I wouldn't need to change her on our short flight, but she had other ideas, so I stood her on top of the toilet lid to change her diaper.  Because we've done this a handful of times now, she didn't have a problem with it and cooperated.

These are the things that have worked for me, and I hope they work for you too. You can view a more comprehensive list of ways to make your flying experience more enjoyable with your kid(s) here.I'm always looking for traveling tips, so please share yours!


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