Throw a Birthday Party While Traveling


You can't always predict what life is going to send your way, so there may come a time when you just have to throw a birthday party for your kid while you're traveling.

When a family emergency forced us to travel during my daughter's birthday, I decided to make use of the situation and host an impromptu birthday party for her during our trip.throw a kid's birthday party while travelingChoose your venue.On this particular trip, we had to stay in a hotel room, so that became the venue for our party.If the weather permits, another option could be a nearby park with picnic tables.Decide on decorations. A few simple decorations can go a long way in making an ordinary space seem festive.We made a quick run to the store and purchased inexpensive items such as a vinyl tablecloths and bunting as well as paper plates and napkins in coordinating colors.To decorate the hotel room, we moved furniture around and created a focal point where I draped one of the tablecloths over the t.v. and a small table. (Look closely at the picture above.) I then hung the bunting across the top of this little vignette.Get some food.While at the store, we grabbed some ready made cupcakes (no utensils required) and juice boxes.Make it fun.I made the party a little extra special by making it a surprise. I simply asked my sister to take Pooky for a walk while the rest of us quickly decorated.Then we surprised her with noise makers.We sang happy birthday,ate cupcakes,and opened presents (also picked up that day at the store).Then we turned on some tunes and had a dance party.A handful of balloons would provide additional quick and easy entertainment.birthday party while travelingBased on her reaction of jumping up and down with glee, I'd say this impromptu birthday party was a success![bctt tweet="[bctt tweet="If you suddenly need to celebrate a birthday while traveling, don't worry it can still be a blast!"]


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